Our tutorial below will only require you to download the essential libraries that are needed to run these SDK Platform Tools. Google now provides ADB and Fastboot, also known as, Android SDK Platform-Tools as a separate package so you do not have to download the Android Studio (over 1GB in size!) just for this. Our guide below will show you how to install ADB and Fastboot on your Winodws PC and that too without the unnecessary whole Android Studio / SDK download. Be it factory images or third-party ROMs, Fastboot mode comes in handy when installing them.

Fastboot is also a system utility that allows you to unlock bootloader, flash a custom recovery or several other functions. For instance, ADB allows you to enter different modes such as recovery mode or you can install ZIP files on your device. ADB is basically an advanced command line tool which lets you perform operations with your Android device that can’t be otherwise performed through the normal UI.

The most used system utilities on the PC for Android are arguably the ADB and Fastboot. This tutorial is how to install Fastboot, ADB and the official Google USB drivers on a Windows PC without downloading Android SDK Tools.